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Should We Be Concerned About Blue Staters Moving To Red States?

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I found this one and immediately thought, where have I seen this map before! The transition to 487 counties in a lot of places in the south has been a result of 487s moving down from up north. If you’ve “lost” your county, we’re sad for you. If you haven’t lost it yet, it’s time to get active in local politics to try and prevent it.

Perhaps nothing less than losing the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump could have motivated the left to brainstorm ways to tackle their popular vote problem. The left tends to gravitate to the coasts and until relatively recently have left “flyover” country to the deplorable unwashed masses.

Some on the left seem to be, in increasing numbers, coming to the conclusion that they need a Plan B in case their lunge to the progressive left doesn’t pan out.

To that end, leftists are positing a variety of ways to infiltrate red states and turn them blue. From moving numerous government offices to flyover country to congregating in and taking over the political and socio-cultural center of major cities in red states, the left seems to be alert to the fact that the massive influx of blue staters to red states can make a difference to the political fortunes of their party and, ultimately, of its agenda. Read more here.