Not to hammer home the hypocrisy of California (a redundancy of course) but California has almost 50,000 oil/gas wells that they love to make money on and 18 oil refineries, refining 2 million barrels a day! Most are in Los Angeles and San Francisco!…
They get to reap what they sow. Mayor calls the vandalism of her home “irritating” and “these aren’t the images we want to see of our city”. How about “criminal behavior is going to be punished”? They’re more upset about perception than the action.…
They get to reap what they sow part two! What do you do when you want to protest but your adversaries won’t fight you? Turn on each other! Portland is the “wealthy” Berkeley.…
They get to reap what they sow part three! I feel no compassion for the Sheriff’s Office, but in this case their actions got an innocent person killed. The gun used in the murder was stolen from a cop.…
College campuses and towns are virtually all recruiting camps for the crazy left. This one begs the limits of hypocrisy.…
We talk about 487 Counties because there are no States that completely immune to the craziness. Even the traditional Southern states have their pockets of the left. Be careful and vigilant.…
The 2017 California state legislative session began with the metaphorical roar of “resistance” to President Donald Trump’s policies, but is ending with a weak whimper.
Granted this was NOT a 487 State, but this is a big victory for freedom lovers that should have gotten lots of press.…
We’ve warned people that acting in a 487 county and state is very different that the rule of law that you might be used to where you live. This is a perfect example.…
We’ve all seen the stories about the proposed property tax hike in Houston. These folks provide the details and an analysis of why Houston needs the tax hike. Teaser: It’s not about the money. Remember: It’s a 487!…