
NFL picked sides in the culture war, now it has to live with the consequences

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I have advocated for a long time that the way to get even with left wing businesses is to vote with our wallets. Don’t fund their stupid choices. This opinion from a legal expert nails it perfectly. The NFL thought that they could enable this crap so that they wouldn’t offend the left. They stupidly thought that we wouldn’t care.

Over time, I’ve lost interest in professional sports for many of the same reasons I’ve lost interested in the professional music, film, and other entertainment industries.
They have become thoroughly politicized by the left as part of the culture war. So for me, the lastest public fight over NFL players protesting on the sidelines is just the latest straw, and in many ways, the last straw.

This is not an issue of freedom of speech. These are private industries which, like other private industries, regulate the speech that is permitted to take place on the job. That regulation takes place both officially through guidelines for employment conduct, and unofficially, as expressing a particular political opinion can result in social media and internal attacks leading to job loss. Just ask Brendan Eich and James Damore. Read more here.