I have some friends that legally immigrated from Pakistan many years ago. For those who are old enough to remember the Cold War, Pakistan used to be one of our best friends in the region. We talk about politics from time to time and one time he asked me a question, “why does the US allow lawyers to be politicians?” He went on to tell me that Pakistan didn’t allow that. That society works best when people understand the law. Lawyers want people to be ignorant of the law so that they can make money. Words of wisdom.

The notion of safe spaces in colleges and universities always seemed bizarre. This author goes beyond the bizarre and suggests that the entire concept has damaging effects on our society. Well written.

We know that Seattle is a 487 utopia. Unlike a lot of 487 places, they came late to the party, so they don’t have all of the old baggage like Baltimore, Atlanta, Birmingham, etc. And they have money. Their latest trick is to force everyone to fund their craziness. The courts get to decide if that’s wrong.

The old maxim that “a license is no more than permission from the government to do something that is otherwise forbidden” is more true than ever. In the old days, the government required licenses in order to protect the “chosen”. Remember when the government granted the American Medical Association a monopoly on deciding who can provide healthcare, the first thing they did was to close medical schools so that there would be less doctors and the remaining doctors could make more money. These days, it’s transitioned to a money making venture for governments. And we all lose.

Every 10 years America performs the census. Although the modern census is used for all sorts of social BS, the original purpose was to determine how many congressmen each state got. How many is easy. Deciding the districts is harder. Elections do have consequences and the majority party gets to draw the lines. This Is a great analysis of the current Supreme Court’s role in Helping.(2 comments)

Tesla is the textbook example of crony capitalism. It’s no surprise that a lot of folks that were the “friends of Obama” were given billions of dollars of taxpayer money back in the day. It’s not even a surprise that liberal states did the same thing. What’s really strange that a number of so called conservative states are doing the same thing.

Most folks don’t really think about the state of our military as being the result of decades of bureaucratic inertia. Unlike the private sector which can be much more agile in identifying and embracing change, our military sees change as bad. Protecting the bureaucracy is the most important. Problems in our military of today are based on changes made 20 years ago. The scary thing is that we won’t see the impact of the Obama years for many years.

Ostensibly a strong, non-warring Middle East would be in our best interests. Picking “winners” and “losers” is at best a short term gain. We went through eight years of Neo disasters in the region. Perhaps this is a sign of goodness for the US and the region.

The Catalan “crisis” is something to watch closely. This isn’t an “immigrant” problem, like it is in other Western European countries. This is a developed civil society that somehow has turned to despotic actions against its own citizenry. It’s scary to watch and visualize other civil societies using government force to stop those who are perceived to threaten the status quo. The deep state is paying attention.