War has always been a political venture with the victors taking the “booty” so to speak. WW One changed the amounts of money to be made on war and history has never been the same. Our current “never ending” wars have taken profiteering to hard-to-fathom levels.

Elections always have consequences. Most countries are not a pure two party system like the United States. They have multiple parties and while one person will become the leader, they require coalitions of the parties in order to rule. It makes for a strange government when one party wins, but needs the support of another party. Most Americans never realized that Merkel’s rule was made possible by a coalition with the Socialist party.

I will always remember talking to my mom before a deployment to war. She asked me why we were off to war. My response was, “don’t ask me…I’m a soldier and do what I’m told. Ask your congressman.” Our American men and women have always responded to our governments call. The “purpose” of a war is always political though. Determining the “worth” of a war should always focus on the politicians who decided, not the soldiers who executed.

The Alabama senate election is turning into a microcosm of everything that is wrong in national politics. The deepstate is spending many millions of dollars to protect their agenda. The leader in the polls has collected less than half a million. But if Judge Moore's victory will cause mass retirements of the swamp, I’m all for it. Think about what they are actually saying here. They have to protect the swamp so they want have to face angry voters.(4 comments)