This one will become very interesting. Grants certainly are discretionary. Every executive branch agency makes the rules on how the grants are dispensed. The Supreme Court has consistently ruled that agencies can do this. The Justice Department in this case has said they will continue. If the Supreme Court gets involved and says that they can no longer do that, it will force Congress to do their job and actually make decisions. All goodness from my perspective.

The United States shows the world such a ridiculous face that the world laughs at us. The latest spin on “Russia stole the election” is that Russia used Facebook to influence the election. The NPR women yesterday were breathless about it.

As is common in the media, this conflict didn’t start yesterday, and it’s not about what we are led to believe. The Myanmar Civil War, particularly where it pertains to the Rohingya conflict, is subject to many false and dangerously misleading narratives. Most stem from a misunderstanding not only of Myanmar’s internal situation, but from…