This is a two-part post. If you just want the summary, just read this one. If you want the “dirty details” then read Part Two also. Selling the most arms in the World, the US sold $208.47 billion compared to second place Russia, with $86.12 billion.

So much is bizarre with these arms sales. First is that Congress is well aware of this. Second, the vast majority of these sales go to developing countries that probably could spend the money in better ways. The most interesting part is to look at what we specifically sell to what country and then look at a map and see what we sell to their neighbors.

Russia’s tactics in Syria deserve some serious studies by our military leaders. Supporting the legitimate leaders of a country starts success. Their military support supported the local military. They were prepared to provide humanitarian aid the minute that towns were freed. The locals saw the Russians as welcome friends and not occupiers.

Not only do I hope this is true, I hope he is wildly successful. I never expected President Trump to be wildly successful in the first two years of his term. He is in charge of the executive branch and that is what he can control. He has achieved more success than his detractors will credit him for and less than I’d hope for. The only chance we American’s have is if the swamp is defeated in 2018.

This one will become very interesting. Grants certainly are discretionary. Every executive branch agency makes the rules on how the grants are dispensed. The Supreme Court has consistently ruled that agencies can do this. The Justice Department in this case has said they will continue. If the Supreme Court gets involved and says that they can no longer do that, it will force Congress to do their job and actually make decisions. All goodness from my perspective.