What, the Government has two standards? Do as we say but not as we do? Credit monitoring is an interesting challenge. We all voluntarily offer up our private information. Look at the fine print of all the things you sign up for (electricity, credit cards, you name it.) For the most part, though there is no market solution other than not using the service you are singing up for. I’m not sure what the solution is.

My earlier post on the NFL’s stupid decision to offend its customers tried to figure out why the owners made such a stupid decision to offend the customer base. I suggested a couple of possible reasons. I left out one of them. In America we have a large number of socialist millionaire and billionaires. Maybe the owners have slid over to the socialist side and think that they are better and smarter than their customers. (1 comment)

In all of the discussion over the crisis in Puerto Rico due to the two storms, the financial position of Puerto Rico is raised as part of the problem. The strong intimation from the media is that we need to bail them out. I figure it’s time to remind everyone of how they got in the mess they are in!