Recent protests in Tennessee received very different coverage in the media.
The most recent was this past weekend in Shelbyville and Murfreesboro.
The media of course vilified those who organized it as evil white supremacists. Of course the fine print had to be read to discover that the only one that earned being arrested was a counter protester. The coverage of course quoted the usual Southern Poverty Law Center as the proof that the protesters were evil.
Nothing was mentioned about our “friends” Redneck Revolt who organized an effort to show up and confront the group that organized the protest.
It’s the same “free speech” activists that really mean speech that they approve of.
Of course liberal causes protests get sympathetic coverage. The rally to protest immigration policy get’s lots of coverage and no critical questions or comments. Black Lives Matter protests that shut down I-40 in Memphis for four hours. Of course the media and the Politicians were very supportive of the protestors. Of course Memphis is in a 487. …
President Trump’s firing of FBI chief James Comey last May spurred much of the media to rally around America’s most powerful domestic federal agency. But the FBI has a long record of both deceit and incompetence. Five years ago, Americans learned that the FBI was teaching its agents that “the FBI has the ability to bend or suspend the law to impinge on the freedom of others.” This has practically been the Bureau’s motif since its creation in 1908.
A National Police Force is still a National Police Force not matter what good intentions you want to ascribe to it. …
Folks sometimes complain that I am too serious. Actually I’m not, but my sense of humor is kind of dry. Kind of in the Bob Newhart style.
I ran across this from the good folks at CNet. It’s worth the five minutes you’ll take to read it.…
While the US and European media provided little explanation as to how militants from the self-titled Islamic State (IS) managed to appear, expand and then fight for years against the combined military power of Iraq, Syria, Iran and Russia, it was abundantly clear to many analysts that the IS organization was not only receiving state sponsorship, but it was receiving reinforcements, weapons and supplies from far beyond Syria’s and Iraq’s borders.
Maps of the conflict stretching over the last several years show clear corridors used to reinforce IS positions, leading primarily from Turkey’s southern border and to a lesser extent, from Jordan’s borders.
However, another possible vector may be desert highways in Iraq’s western Anbar province where US military contractors are allegedly to “provide security” as well as build gas stations and rest areas. These highways contributed to the current conflict and still serve as a hotbed for state sponsored terrorism. Whether these US-controlled and improved highways pose a significant threat for a reorganized effort by the US and its regional allies to divide and destroy Iraq and Syria seems all but inevitable.…
Congress has a history of acting as our “betters”. Laws for you but not for us. Obamacare is just one of many examples. If Congress got the same care as offered by Obamacare or the VA, the law would be changed today.
Well, it appears that sexual misconduct is another area where the rules don’t apply to them. Who knew that they actually passed a law ironically called the “Congressional Accountability Act” that essentially makes it almost impossible for an aggrieved victim to pursue justice against a congress person.
Even better, when an individual actually won’t give in and goes through the unwieldy process and wins their complaint, the individual congress person isn’t the one who is punished.
You and I do! There is actually a congress-created budget to pay these fines and settlements! It’s spent over $15 million of our tax dollars over the years since the law was passed.…
I love it when the social justice types turn on themselves.
People should remember Wade Rathke. He is the founder of Acorn, the liberal group that was taken down in the Obama years when it was revealed how they lied and cheated and got others to do the same. Of course they never went away, changing names in the US, but not changing tactics.
Soros has coughed up over $3 Billion to Wade Rathke for Acorn, and a bunch of other evil groups.
So, now Alphabet (the company that owns Google) has won a contract to build a “perfect” city on 800 acres of land in Ontario. Here are just some of the wonderful things this perfect city plans on:
a thermal energy grid that would be carbon neutral, sensors that separate waste from recycling, modular buildings that convert from retail to housing, monitors that track noise and pollution, self-driving transit shuttles, shared-ride taxibots, adaptive traffic lights, delivery robots.
And the Soros activist doesn't like it. Got to love it.…
Google is taking its battle against misleading information to the real world. The company has partnered with the International Fact-Checking Network, a nonpartisan organization run by The Poynter Institute that advocates across the globe for accuracy in online articles. The IFCN holds an annual fact-checking conference, funds fellowships and provides training for would-be fake-news detectives, plus it's the author behind a widely accepted code of principles for media organizations.
Earlier, Google partnered with the since discredited Snopes and Polititicact for this service.
Who owns this new group that is working “in our best interest”?
These include Google (driving the Transhumanist agenda), Bill Gates (who has cropped up in the last 3 years to support vaccines, GMOs, Common Core and other NWO initiatives), George Soros (master manipulator behind the Ukraine coup of 2014, Black Lives Matter and other movements to disrupt the law and socially engineer society) and Pierre Omidyar (current owner of PayPal connected to the Military Intelligence complex via Booz Allen Hamilton).
With all of that said, anyone who “believes” what they read on Google or Facebook without verification is pretty dumb.…
If you read the real news, you will realize that the neos have decided that the war on Syria and the never ending war on Iraq is virtually over. Yeah, we lost after spending trillions of dollars, but failure never stops the neos.
We have been supporting our allies, Saudi Arabia in their war on Yemen. It’s pretty much ignored by our media, but the suffering and atrocities in Yemen should be front page news. Saudi Arabia, despite having some of the most modern weaponry in the world has been achieving the same success as we have with our expensive and modern weaponry.
So suddenly we’re seeing the headlines that ISIS is being seen in Yemen. Of course for the neos, this is the green light to join Saudi Arabia in the fight in Yemen.
I have a problem with the Weinstein and other “sex scandals” that are the topic of the popular media.
A caveat here: If any minors were involved people need to be burned at the stake. No excuse for the abuse of children.
So, let’s talk about the adults.
I find it ironic that the “feminists” would complain about this. Harping on the idea that women are mere “victims” in this debacle is bizarre at best. These women choose to trade sex for fame and success. It’s not a moral decision that I’d like to believe that I would make, but it’s a decision that they made.
I’m certain that over the years, those that wanted to be popular in the movie business begged for information on the latest parties that these folks hosted, hoping that they would become the newest stars.
Weinstein’s wife is leaving him, claiming indignation and disgust. Of course this “leaving him” has no connection to her net worth of $20 million, all due to her Marchesa fashion line (jewelry and gowns) that grew due to actresses wanting to be in Weinsteins favor.
I don’t have any issue with anyone “trading” sexual favors in order to get ahead. Life’s tough and the movie industry, just like professional sports is incredibly difficult to get into. There are tons of stories out there about the beauty queens from small towns who go to Hollywood to become stars and fail. What are stars selling besides good looks and sex appeal?
I do have a problem with all of these people suddenly claiming victimhood. They were and are adults. They chose to do these things in order to achieve some goal that they wanted. At the end of the day, they aren’t victims. They are expensive prostitutes.
And I don’t mean that in a judgmental way. There are many who will defend them claiming that they had no other choice. Maybe they didn’t if they wanted to be stars. But of course no one has a right to be a star, so they probably did have other choices.
The funny thing is that so far these are all allegations. Allegations that are probably hard to prove. Yet the vast majority of us have convicted the men and made heroes of the women. The only folks that support the notion of evil men and saintly women are the ultra left social justice warriors who hate all men. Perhaps we need to relook our outrage.
They are expensive prostitutes.
And I don’t mean that in a judgmental way. There are many who will defend them claiming that they had no other choice. Maybe they didn’t if they wanted to be stars. But of course no one has a right to be a star, so they probably did have other choices.
The funny thing is that so far these are all allegations. Allegations that are probably hard to prove. Yet the vast majority of us have convicted the men and made heroes of the women. The only folks that support the notion of evil men and saintly women are the ultra left social justice warriors who hate all men. Perhaps we need to relook our outrage.
The US Military Academy used to be a steward of American military values.
Leaders won’t “lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those who do”.
George W. Bush did all of that and still got rewarded. What message does that send to our future and current leaders?
As of July of this year, Afghanistan and Iraq have produced 59,496 casualties. We all see 52,566 daily as the walking wounded in our society.…