The famous line from the Saul Alinsky crowd is “it’s not the protest, it’s the revolution”. We’ve seen this over and over again, most recently with the Weinstein revelations. Sexual assault in the furtherance of their causes is ok. Sexual assault from their adversaries is bad.
They never minded Bill Clintons actions, because he became their liberal president. The never minded Weinstein because he was their cash cow. The fact that they turned on him tells you that they’ve already identified another cash cow and don’t need him anymore.
It’s the same thing with neo Nazis. When they can find some in America, they quickly slam them because it supports their cause.
We not only fully funded neo Nazis and openly support them in the Ukraine because we hate the Russians.
Makes no sense to me. I grew up being taught that right was right and evil was evil. Maybe some more commonsense is required.
Ok, I made up the headline. I don’t know if he’s done this, but in this modern time, I wouldn’t put it past the NFL to accept his help.
The best part of the NFL’s financial implosion is that it clearly demonstrates that we still get to vote with our wallets! It is the most important lesson that we must learn and embrace.
We’ve been successful with the NFL. We’ve been pretty successful with Hollywood, which is seeing their worst year for movie ticket sales in decades.
We need to continue this. Lowes and Costco are some of the biggest corporate donors to Democrat causes. I don’t care what they do with their profits, but I’ll be damned if I will give them my money to support those causes.
We need to do this to all of the liberal causes that we disagree with. Don’t use Google. Don’t use Facebook. Don’t use AT&T. The list goes on. I know that some folks use these products for good reasons (business, etc. Just realize that there are choices out there, and our choices do make a difference.
Vote with your wallets!…
It’s 487 on steroids. The liberals are planning their first Women’s Convention in 40 years and it’s going to be in Detroit. The irony just rolls on and on.
The Women’s Convention will bring thousands of women, femmes and our allies of all backgrounds to Detroit from October 27 - 29, 2017, for a weekend of workshops, strategy sessions, inspiring forums and intersectional movement building to continue the preparation going into the 2018 midterm elections.
Tapping into the power of women in leadership as the fundamental, grassroots force for change, the Women’s Convention will bring together first time activists and movement leaders, rising political stars that reflect our nation’s changing demographics, and thousands of women who’ve organized sister marches, huddles, rallies and resistance actions, large and small, since January 2017.
Where do we start with the irony?
Purportedly, it’s about women leadership. The headline speaker isn’t even a woman! It’s Bernie Sanders!
They say it’s about women power. They chose the location to be in Michigan which has the highest Muslim population in the US. And we all know how much the Muslims respect women’s rights!
This could be funny to watch. The only possible good news is that it might be cold in late October in Michigan, so we might be saved from being exposed to hideous liberal jubblies.…
It’s 1984 all over again. All references to Weinstein are being systematically removed from Hollywood and its products. Except for deposit slips to the accounts of pet projects of the left like Planned Parenthood, the Clinton Foundation and a myriad of democrat candidates. Nothing to see here folks, move on with your lives.
Of course Weinstein is the big name caught today, so that’s what they are focusing on with their fake indignation. Who can forget Woody Allen and his step daughter? Roman Polanski anyone? The list goes on and on.
There is no place in any society for those who prey on children. The reposts of the child rapes must not go away into the sunset. Prison is the best we can do to these folks on earth before they go to their ultimate judgement.
For the adults involved, I have no compassion. There is a name for people who sell themselves for financial gain. It’s called prostitution. I don’t have a problem with folks who decide to sell themselves. It’s their body. I feel sorry for folks who only have sex to sell and hope they would be able to do something different, but it’s their body. And it’s still prostitution. In the case of Hollywood it’s expensive prostitution, but that’s what it is.
And just think, people value the opinions of these folks. We invite them to speak on the floor of the House and Senate. Have we lost our minds? …
The phenomenon of not “talking” to countries we don’t like isn’t limited to the United States. Europe is falling into the same trap.
We all have the same problem with our neighbors. Most folks don’t even know who lives next door, but will claim “friends” that we’ve never met on Facebook and other social media. We not knowing neighbors merely hurts the social construct. Countries not even talking often ends up in war.
Countries don’t have to “like” other countries. They can learn to get along. Iran and Iraq, even with their history of animosity are cooperating militarily. Pakistan and India with their long hatred of each other have not used their nuclear bombs on each other, yet both have had them for a long time. North and South Korea have stayed on their side of the DMZ.
Running people off from a forum that is designed to have rational discussion over perceived problems doesn’t seem like a good idea. …