HUGE CAVEAT: This is satire. No claims to knowledge here! A little levity to make fun of some of the stupidity of our self proclaimed leaders. RAQQA, Syria — The reign of ISIS will soon be at an end, thanks to the latest overwhelming and decisive tactic employed by the US military: An airdrop of hundreds of laptops loaded with 130-slide PowerPoint presentations. “They’re not even password-protected,” said Adm. Michael S. Rogers, commander of US Cyber Command. “We want them to get in. As every staff officer and senior staff noncommissioned officer knows, lengthy PowerPoint presentations can be fatal.”(2 comments)

HUGE CAVEAT: This is satire. No claims to knowledge here! A little levity to make fun of some of the stupidity of our self proclaimed leaders. TEXAS—After a high profile case in which the non-profit advocated for abortion rights for an illegal immigrant, the American Civil Liberties Union issued a clarification on its positions Wednesday, specifying that the organization is only in support of immigrants who survive the first nine months in their mothers’ womb. The clarification came as a result of confusion surrounding the Union’s support of the killing of a 15-week-old undocumented alien that had been residing in a Jane Doe immigrant’s womb. “We fully support all immigrants who manage to survive the full nine months preceding birth,” ACLU president Susan N. Herman told reporters. “If they’re still in the womb, we support their wholesale destruction. But the second they come out, we’ll defend their civil liberties to the death.”(1 comment)

HUGE CAVEAT: This is satire. No claims to knowledge here! A little levity to make fun of some of the stupidity of our self proclaimed leaders. When you were nine years old, you might have been catching Pokemon or collecting POGs. That’s not the case for Robby Jennings. Jennings, a third-grader at Hamilton Elementary, was called up to the big leagues this week, as the GOP asked him to draw up their new tax reform plan. “I tried to make the taxes real fair and real good for everyone,” Jennings said. “I cut some of the taxes but left some of the others. I moved some things around. It is real different now but not too different, just sorta like, medium different, I guess.”(1 comment)

HUGE CAVEAT: This is satire. No claims to knowledge here! A little levity to make fun of some of the stupidity of our self proclaimed leaders. The governments of Venezuela and North Korea came out today offering asylum to those oppressed NFL players who refuse to stand for the National Anthem. "We understand how oppressive that song can be and if you accept our offer, you will never have to hear it again," said a joint spokesperson. "We would also invite them to deposit their funds in our banks and invest in our countries. It would be worthwhile."(1 comment)

HUGE CAVEAT: This is satire. No claims to knowledge here! A little levity to make fun of some of the stupidity of our self proclaimed leaders. Nearly 8 years after a terrible wreck left a man unable to communicate, his power of speech has returned. George Bush was 62 when the mainstream media derailed his presidency, which resulted in him and his entire administration going off a cliff and tumbling to the ground. "For eight long years he didn't speak a word," said George's brother, Jeb Bush. Though his family continued to talk to him, they had no idea whether he understood them. That eased a few days ago, when he began responding to questions with grunts and by blinking his eyes.(1 comment)

The idea that there are a lot of Christians in Israel is a novel idea to most Americans. In the past year hundreds of Israeli Christians have made pilgrimages to holy sites in Lebanon, even though the country is classified an enemy state. Groups of all ages, sometimes up to 50 people, spend a week in Lebanon on trips organized by the Galilee’s Christian clergymen, mostly under the radar.

I’m not suggesting that the a complete woman’s rights movement is taking place in Iran, but changes are happening. Change in a patriarchy doesn’t happen overnight. But it is happening in Iran. This can be nothing but good news for the world.

This isn’t news. I’ve been saying this since the “red line” was first established by Obama over Syria. Ironically Saudi Arabia acknowledges that this attempt failed. The US is still meddling in Syria. What’s important for us is to recognize that the conservative media is finally reporting this. Obviously they liked the strategy, but now that it failed they want to report on it. I have no access to any special “intelligence”. I read about this effort in open source newspapers from Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, Iran, etc.

Imagine you’ve been arrested and are going to court. As part of your defense, you share with your attorney all sorts of intimate details on your involvement of the crime. Your attorney shares defense strategies. Imagine if the prosecution had “bugged” the room you talked to your lawyer in. Of course the courts would punish the prosecution for violating the principle of attorney-client privilege. Well the bugging happened and instead of the prosecution being punished over this violation, the lead defense attorney was sentenced to 21 days in jail and fined $1000. The Guantonamo “trials” have been troubling for some time but this one is a major black eye for America. We’re supposed to stand for the rule of law. We claim to be the symbol of greatness in the world. When we destroy our principles in order to punish those who attempt to hurt us, we win nothing. In a flashback to the Vietnam war, where we had to destroy a village to save it, we’re destroying what America stands for in order to save America. What is so troubling for me is that these are Commissioned Officers doing this. The Officer Corps of the US Military is supposed to have more honor than mere politicians.(3 comments)