The Neos heads are going to explode (we can only hope).
The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is hosting its 25th annual meeting in Vietnam this week. President Trump and President Putin are scheduled to attend.
The “leaked” story of the day is that the two of them actually plan to meet face to face and discuss some mutual issues, like North Korea.
Imagine how the Neos feel to find out that we might resolve an issue with diplomatic relations instead of at the point of a gun.…
Senator Joe McCarthy was correct that our federal government was overrun with active Communists. His tactics of indentifying them offended even his anti-communist supporters. Eventually, his detractors used these tactics to destroy his message.
How ironic in 2017 that the liberals who denounced McCarthy’s tactics actually learned from them and are adopting them today.
We’re seeing a lot of “liberalism” in Iran lately, particularly regarding woman’s rights.
I don’t know if they are really liberalizing, or doing this for good optics with the west. If it’s “real” then it’s a very good thing. If it’s merely optics, it’s a dangerous move that will backfire.
Saudi Arabia has many of the same problems that the US has. They have the money to try and influence its enemies with military force, yet they haven’t been successful.
Most westerners don’t realize that Saudi Arabia has enemies along its borders and that they’ve been subject to invasions in recent years. They’ve built a “wall” on the border with Iraq. They’ve funded and coerced the US to topple Syria’s leader. They invaded Yemen and are still fighting there. Despite having a huge technological and military equipment advantage they aren’t winning.
They are actually hiring soldiers from foreign countries to serve in their military in Yemen.
Being from the South, I don’t normally consider college football outside of the SEC to be “real” college football, but the Penn State coach this past weekend was impressive.
Penn State was upset this past weekend by Michigan State. Ok, upsets happen. In the post game interview, Coach James Franklin abruptly left his interview and started running towards the tunnel where his players were going back to the locker room. Of course the sports media immediately started to make fun of Franklin for being a “sore loser”.
Well, imagine everyone’s surprise to discover that he was running after his players who were poor sports and failing to shake hands with the opposing team. He was making them return to the field to be good sportsmen.
Values, folks. What sports competition at the amateur level used to be about.
Of course, it needs to be pointed out that Coach Franklin last coached in the SEC at Vanderbilt! …
Well, 4 November came and went. America still exists. Trump is still the President. And there is no coverage of the riots in the main stream media. Even the so called conservative Fox News gives it little coverage.
The 487s didn’t show!
We discussed last week the cities they planned their protests for. All but one were 487s. Their updated list before this weekend cancelled the one none 487 and added a few more. Ohio must be a hotbed of sedition. They have seven 487s, and had three riots planned.
Austin, Texas had 36 protestors. Seattle had 50. New York had 300. Portland a mere 100.
The real “news” here is that there is no coverage. Type “November 4 Antifa” into a search engine and be amazed that there is incredibly little coverage.
Imagine if millions had showed up to riot. Today’s headlines would read about how Trump scheduled his Asia trip in order to be out of the country while the riots happened.
Breitbart is the only place that I found actual videos of the riots.…
This is from a good friend who decided years ago that you’d never get the truth out of the media. So he became very fluent in lots of languages. He reads the media in its original language. If you only have time, watch the first one. It’s almost 30 minutes, so put some time aside.
Here’s what he sent:
I am writing to you to draw your attention to two most interesting interviews of two of the most interesting women in Russia: Maria Zakharova, Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief the television news network RT and the international news agency Rossiya Segodnya.
What is particularly interesting is that these interviews are intended for a Russian audience and both Zakharova and Simonyan speak with a candid directness which they would probably not exercise in an English-language interview for a foreign audience, primarily out of a sense of courtesy: they would say the very same things, yes, but in a much more diplomatic manner. This time, however, you can tell that both ladies speak their hearts and minds directly and with no attempts as hints or euphemisms. I think that this is exceptionally important as this shows the degree of disgust, contempt, amusement and bewilderment Russian officials today feel when the look at the fetid zoo US politics have become.
I strongly recommend you watch both interviews in full.
The US Government’s annual income pays for 89% of what it spends. That creates a $440 billion deficit.
The government projects taking in income of $3.654 TRILLION in FY2018! Where does the money come from?.....
A large part (almost one third) of our federal government debt is owed to ourselves! The Social Security Trust Fund is one of them. Social Security for decades was a system that raised enough money to pay its bills. Recognizing that there were going to be less people paying into it than it needed to spend, the government raised the taxes on Social Security and put the “extra” amount collected into savings. Of course our politicians are thieves, so they “stole” the money to spend right away and issued the Social Security folks treasury bonds. So a lot of our debt is money that we already were taxed on....
The world is in debt to the tune of over $60 TRILLION! Of course that number goes up by the second. The internet is full of debt clocks, and you can watch the numbers go up second by second.
We get to claim world leadership in debt with almost $21 TRILLION! I’m sure it’s surprise to learn that Japan is second with almost $12 TRILLION. Let that sink in for a moment…. The US and Japan account for over half of the worlds debt. There are actually five countries in the world with zero debt. …