As the nanny state tries to obliterate thoughts that they disagree with under the guise of “safety”, it’s important to understand the rules in order to overcome. Computer programs control this. Use their rules to win.
Like almost every law that our Federal Government debates, they put a “nice” name on it and hope it passes. Kind of like the Affordable Healthcare Act, which in reality was about healthcare insurance, not healthcare. This one needs your attention. A new bill is working its way through Congress that could be disastrous for…
For those of us who are divesting ourselves from Google, it’s important to know what Google all owns and controls. It’s bigger list that you might imagine.…
It seems like it’s “opposite Wednesday”! A California court rules in favor of freedom and individual liberty!…
Many of us use Facebook because we think it’s the only option. Actually there are plenty of choices in the electronic marketplace. Some value freedom more than others. Some target specific groups and interests. You aren’t “stuck” with Facebook.
Many of us fall into the trap of familiarity. There are lots of alternatives to Google, Facebook, and the other sites. We’ll be posting alternatives weekly in the Freedom Wednesday Daily Specials.…
Time to stop thinking that you have to be a victim of internet spying. Take action to reign in the government spies.
Electronic freedom is “scary” to many folks because we don’t understand it. Knowledge through de-mystifying things is good.
It’s easy to bemoan the lose of freedom in America. Capitalism works, with alternatives being developed daily. The internet can be your friend.
The Internet in general and social media in particular are becoming increasingly unfriendly territory for free-thinkers, libertarians, and conservatives