So, the medical exam doesn’t support the rhetoric. Something happened and there is no proof. So some will use the ambiguity to serve their cause. Yet another example of the difference between information and knowledge.
Wow, diplomacy! How can it possibly hurt to start talking with an adversary? Watch the counter on our blog and see how long it’s been since we’ve had diplomatic relations with North Korea. Hint: We’ve NEVER had diplomatic relations with North Korea. …
No one can deny that North Korea is paranoid and wants to be seen as a legitimate “player” in the world. If we want to be seen as a leader in the world, we must though get beyond the notion that foreign policy is a “shoot first” and “occupy later” concept. Our role in how North Korea is now is based on our initial roles in how North Korea got to be.…
Just think about this for a moment. These folks live right next door to North Korea. They would bear the biggest brunt of a war. And they say “no” to President Trump. This is kind of like a disagreement with your next door neighbor, and then the Governor sends in the National Guard.…
I don’t understand why the United States has abused it’s “sole super power” status since the fall of the Soviet Union. For whatever reason we did, I defy anyone to truthfully say that America is better off since we turned our diplomacy over to the defense department and broker diplomacy through the notion of force.
The United States has used the barrel of a gun and the bombs of a drone as its foreign policy since the end of the cold war. We constantly hear that we want to solve the North Korea “crisis” but only threaten military action. It’s important to note that we have NEVER had diplomatic relations with North Korea. NEVER.
For those whose experience with war consists of WWII movies or modern computer games, the notion of totally destroying a country may sound exciting. A country however is not merely some picture on a map. In the case of North Korea, it’s 25 million people. Old folks, parents and kids. …
Drone diplomacy since the end of the Cold War has cast the United States into the role of a big bully. We somehow want to negotiate for what is in our best interests, but won’t recognize that other countries want to do the same thing. What used to be called a “win-win”. Now it’s “do it our way or we’ll implement regime change.”
Would we Nuke North Korea to stop radioactive waste? Depending on how bad this is or if it’s even true, this could be the game changer.…
The 5+1 concept for dealing with North Korea has been put forth for a long time. President Obama wanted nothing to do with it and it appears that the Neos have convinced President Trump that there is no future in negotiation. A negotiated settlement without the US involvement diminishes our Stature.