Regular readers know that I think the bombastic attitude of the US towards North Korea is foolish at best and dangerous at worst. Pushing for a nuclear WWIII is not a good idea and has no winners. The US concept of diplomacy at gun point has created many problems for us, but certainly makes the deep state a lot of money. Yours and my money. How can any thinking person not think that getting North and South Korea in the same place and talking to them be a bad thing? I know, the “Russia bad” mantra is a common retort to such diplomacy, but if they can ease the tensions, how is that a bad thing? Obviously Putin and the Russians aren’t doing this just for fun. They are looking out for their national interests. A concept that our leaders need to embrace too.

Foreign policy in this country has sadly fallen to the purview of the defense department, not the state department. This isn’t anything new, and has been this way since the end of the cold war. We conduct foreign policy at the end of a gun, sending drones, rockets and missiles at those who we disagree with. Some of this is a function of the fact that we were the only super power left at the end of the cold war. We could bully countries with ease and there was little that they could do to stop us. We damaged and destroyed a lot of countries, but have little to show for it. The tide shifted when we decided to mess with countries that had powerful allies that weren’t intimidated. Syria is the perfect example, where the Russians came to Syria’s aid. We’re reaping the seeds that have been sown in decades of intimidation and it’s not working. North Korea presents a lot of issues. Ignoring how we got to this situation in North Korea is foolish, but going forward in the face of “lack of cooperation” in our process from China, Russia and South Korea is a disaster waiting to happen. North Korea currently has no capability to hurt America. Sure they would like to, but they can't. China has consistently stated that if North Korea starts a war, they would be on our side, but if we started it, they would be on North Korea’s side. Are the neos that crazy that they would want to start WWIII?

The deep state needs terrorism as an enemy in order to maintain their ever-increasing deep state intelligence and military organizations. The notion that ISIS (for example) needs to be destroyed is ludicrous at best. For now ISIS keeps funding high and supports some of our “allies”. If not ISIS, they would “discover” a new organization. ISIS in Syria has been a tool of Saudi Arabia from the beginning. Saudi Arabia has behind the insurgency in Syria and we went along (just like we support Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen). Russia’s support to its ally Syria put a wrench in our plans, but that hasn’t stopped us from continuing our meddling in Syria. Oddly enough, Israel and Saudi Arabia have become “allies” of sorts in their attempted destruction of Syria. Saudi Arabia has recently indicated that they see the Syria operation as a failure and that they lost. Israel continues to strike in Syria. By all accounts, the democratically elected government has put down the foreign insurgency and has secured virtually all of their country again. Saudi Arabia was recognized the failure of the insurgency. Most of the world recognizes that Syria with the help of the Russians have put down the insurgency. The US continues to send money, send arms, sacrifice Americans, and fight in Syria. Something is wrong in the US.…

American policy in Syria has always been bizarre. Israel and Saudi Arabia (two of our claimed allies) wanted Assad gone. We trained and armed (at great expense to we the taxpayers) opposition groups that gravitated to ISIS. We sent ground military forces there to train opposition groups. The CIA did the same. CIA forces engaged in direct combat with US Army forces. It’s a mess. A mess caused by us acting as a “for hire” military for our allies.

I do not understand our government's antagonism towards Russia. Diplomacy shouldn’t be about who we’re going to invite over for dinner. It must be about what’s in the best interests of our nation. No one can convince me that what we’ve been doing with Russia is in our best national interests.

The US involvement in Syria clearly is not America’s best moment. We got involved at the behest of our “allies” Saudi Arabia and Israel. Like so many “wars” we fight in, we let the CIA and the US military organize things. We send lots of military hardware to those we support, to include ISIS. CIA groups fought against our military groups. And it all failed.