As the days pass since the Vegas shooting, knowledge of the “who, what, where and why” seems to be trickling out slowly. In our society that just leads to tons and tons of conspiracy theories and other ideas and suggestions. Here’s ours.…
These folks are not "conspiracy folks". In fact, they are some of the more reasoned folks on the web. When they see flaws, it’s time to pay attention.…
I’ve been one of the few bloggers out there that has been covering the Catalonia issues. As is usually the case, this is much bigger than merely Spain and its citizens. This has the potential to destroy the EU, and the deep state is scared to its core.…
The move by many in the world to get away from the US Dollar standard continues. Unlike the US and it’s financing arm, the IMF, the Chinese usually demand extra collateral from loans and investments.
International relations and geo political crisis usually have ramifications that go well beyond what we’re shown or lead to believe. The “crisis” with North Korea has preoccupied the media for years now. In the past few months, it’s threatened relations between the US, China, Russia and South Korea. And it’s distracted South Korea from its internal economic problems. Problems that got their President impeached and jailed. Who wins when South Korea’s economy flounders?…
Tesla is the textbook example of crony capitalism. It’s no surprise that a lot of folks that were the “friends of Obama” were given billions of dollars of taxpayer money back in the day. It’s not even a surprise that liberal states did the same thing. What’s really strange that a number of so called conservative states are doing the same thing.…
We all know that the media is in the tank for liberals. You think they would be more clever about it. When you read a story about crime and no race is indicated you know that the perp is black or brown. When you read a story about politicians committing crime, you know they are democrats because they make no mention of what party they belong to.…
Most folks don’t really think about the state of our military as being the result of decades of bureaucratic inertia. Unlike the private sector which can be much more agile in identifying and embracing change, our military sees change as bad. Protecting the bureaucracy is the most important. Problems in our military of today are based on changes made 20 years ago. The scary thing is that we won’t see the impact of the Obama years for many years.…
Ostensibly a strong, non-warring Middle East would be in our best interests. Picking “winners” and “losers” is at best a short term gain. We went through eight years of Neo disasters in the region. Perhaps this is a sign of goodness for the US and the region.
The Catalan “crisis” is something to watch closely. This isn’t an “immigrant” problem, like it is in other Western European countries. This is a developed civil society that somehow has turned to despotic actions against its own citizenry. It’s scary to watch and visualize other civil societies using government force to stop those who are perceived to threaten the status quo. The deep state is paying attention.…