Criminalize everything and everyone is a criminal. Is the real goal of all these laws and high fines to make and fund a better society, or is it to create a permanent non-violent criminal class in order to keep them under control? This is so wrong.…
Imagine a model where if you attempt to vote you are met with violence and shooting? And where the violence and shooting is by the government to prevent you from voting? And the government in question is from a European Union country? What is the EU defending other than themselves?…
I never understood why Jeff Sessions’ handpicked deputy appointed Mueller as a special prosecutor. It made no political sense. Either he supported Sessions or he didn’t, and if he didn’t, why would Sessions keep him? This answers the question and if it’s true, it might be good for America.…
While I remember the previous attack, I didn’t make the correlation either. Something that good media should do and never does anymore!…
The IRS has been turned into an arm of the political machine. When Lois Lerner was allowed to retire with a big taxpayer funded pension we knew we were in trouble. When the Director of the IRS was allowed to “blow off” Congress, we knew that our politicians were part of the deep state.…
This is an interesting part of US History. The internment of the Japanese in WWII has its own discussions, and if you believe that they were a threat to the US, at the very least, they were here. In this case, we went all over Latin America to find these people and bring them to the US to intern!…
Unique situation going on in Europe. Most of us are familiar with the countries that want to leave the EU. Here’s one where a portion of a country Catalonia wants to leave Spain!…
This won’t end well for Spain. Government violence in order to prevent people from voting rarely ends well for governments. In this day of everyone having cameras, the videos of people being beaten and shot with plastic bullets will mobilize those who want change.…
The EU has some real problems right now. Most of them are of their own making. Everyone traded their sovereignty in for riches. When the riches didn’t come to the masses, regrets kicked in.…
College campuses are the 487 training camps. And we pay a lot of money for them and to the trainers. College reform should be near the top of the list for us normal folks.…