As I commented when the hack first happened, there is no incentive for Equifax to care about you in this situation. You aren’t their customer. I am no fan of government control, but this seems to be a case where they should be involved. Not to control the marketplace but to establish rules for tort law so that you can hold the Equifaxes of the world accountable.
The United States has used the barrel of a gun and the bombs of a drone as its foreign policy since the end of the cold war. We constantly hear that we want to solve the North Korea “crisis” but only threaten military action. It’s important to note that we have NEVER had diplomatic relations with North Korea. NEVER.
For those whose experience with war consists of WWII movies or modern computer games, the notion of totally destroying a country may sound exciting. A country however is not merely some picture on a map. In the case of North Korea, it’s 25 million people. Old folks, parents and kids. …
Drone diplomacy since the end of the Cold War has cast the United States into the role of a big bully. We somehow want to negotiate for what is in our best interests, but won’t recognize that other countries want to do the same thing. What used to be called a “win-win”. Now it’s “do it our way or we’ll implement regime change.”
We pay a lot of money to fund the CIA and the other alphabet agencies. I believe that over the years, they aren’t about protecting the US directly. They seem to be a tool of the deep state to achieve world control.
Certainly it’s easy to not like everything President Trump has done since he became President. But, there is some good news.…
Lies all around. And the deep state/swamp doesn’t want to understand why we the citizens might be upset with them. Wiretapping of a candidate for President by the opposition party. Lies about the reasons. Continue to double down on the lies in order to take down the President. The swamp does not respect our choice of President. This is not about President Trump. This is about us and to make sure we are punished.
I have argued for a long time that Antifa is just one of a long line of political groups that are pushed to target the Trump supporters. Track all of the groups, organizations and “outrages of the day” that have emerged during the election cycle and after the inauguration. They keep on bringing new ones out when they don’t achieve the goal.…
This is a good TV report of the liberation of Deir ez Zor in Syria. The English subtitles explain all. Another great example of how to provide military aid to a country. Actually support the countries’ military. Provide real aid to the locals once the local army wins. These folks will remember the Russians for decades for helping, not killing.
At the end of the day, we’ve got to realize that the CNNs, MSNBCs, etc. have a lot in common with the Breitbarts, Zero Hedge, etc. They all cater to a base of folks who agree with them. Both sides get mad at the other side for what they say, but it’s wasted energy. Expand your sources of knowledge beyond those that merely cater to what you want to hear.…