
‘They Couldn’t Even Predict the USSR’s Collapse’: CIA’s Top 5 Cold War Failures

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We pay a lot of money to fund the CIA and the other alphabet agencies. I believe that over the years, they aren’t about protecting the US directly. They seem to be a tool of the deep state to achieve world control.

The Central Intelligence Agency is celebrating its 70th birthday. Founded on September 18, 1947, one of its main stated missions during the Cold War was to ‘assess, manage and combat the Soviet threat’. Veteran political observer Vladimir Ardaev looks back at the CIA’s most embarrassing failures in its long struggle with the Soviets.

Today marks the seventieth anniversary of the CIA, the civilian foreign intelligence service of the US government. In the post-war world, one of the CIA’s main missions was to combat the threat posed by the recently victorious Soviets. However, not everything went according to plan. Read more here.