We know the deep state wants a cold war with Russia very badly. Cold wars make lots of money for some, no one dies, and the trillions of dollars we spend on the military never has to be used. I think that their efforts though assume that Russia is stupid. So far we’re losing.…
The very fact that you aren’t reading this article from the traditional western press should tell you that it isn’t popular in the swamp. All the more reason to think that there may be something to it.
The rest of the world learned a different lesson from the fall of the Soviet Union than the United States did. A huge military drained the wealth out of a country. While we’ve spent the years since then growing our military spending, they’ve concentrated on economic growth. And they are succeeding.
Of course, nothing will happen to her. You try and lie to a Congressman or a Judge and see what happens to you. If the rule of law only applies to some people, it doesn’t exist.…
We elected President Trump to drain the swamp. We weren’t sure he’d be able to do that, but we hoped he would try. We didn’t expect an all out assault on the First Amendment.
Most Americans think that the territories are just like states. They certainly aren’t and in times of crisis, the residents get to learn that first hand. In times like these we’re reminded that colonies (with all that bad things we think of when we think of colonies) still exist in our hemisphere.…
The 2017 California state legislative session began with the metaphorical roar of “resistance” to President Donald Trump’s policies, but is ending with a weak whimper.
As good as knowledge is, sometimes a little humor at the expense of fools is good too! Folks have so over used words that most are meaningless. “Hitler” means nothing anymore. “Racist” means nothing. So hates have to invent new denigrating phrases. White Supremacist is the latest.…
While humorous, this reveals once again how the media business operates and what their goals really are. Can’t let a crisis get away.
Lots can be said about what Janet Reno did to hurt our country, but Identity politics got her where she was and allows for her to be deified to this day. America will never be great again until we look to the best vice merely filling quotas.…