HomeFreedom Wednesdays

Google Alternatives: 10 Best Search Engines

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They say that Google’s search engine has about 40% of the world market. That’s the good news for those of us who dislike Google’s business habits. It’s not 100% and there are lots of options. Vote with your wallets!

Although Google is the de facto industry standard for web search and is also used as a verb for web search engine, it has got some kinks to it. As Google preaches, ‘Don’t do evil!’, sadly, they do have the presence of a bit of notoriety on the web. Putting all your online activity eggs in a single basket would definitely not recommended and there are a few other key reasons to consider Google Alternatives.

Google has numerous accusations for manipulating search results in their own favor. Yelp even went on to hire Tim Wu, the father of net neutrality to prove that Google’s search results are biased. Also, Google has been displaying a major portion of the search results bombarded with ads of lately. The death of white space and ad-infused Google is not what many online users would wish for.

Apart from all of this, Google also keeps a track of what all their users are searching, to display better ads; or so they say! If you do not want an internet giant to easily renounce your online activity, you might want to take a look at some Google Alternatives, with better privacy assured. Read more here.