
The Less We Believe Them about Las Vegas, the More They Want Our Guns

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The Vegas shooting gets more bizarre by the day. Of course being an American event we all know that memories fade fast. Who recalls the Houston hurricane of a few weeks ago? Can anyone describe how their recovery is going today?

The same thing is happening with the Vegas shooting right now. It certainly doesn’t get much press anymore and certainly doesn’t get much critical inquiry.

I’m still watching it and paying attention to the little bits of information coming out from time to time. The timeline shifts are amazing and just add to the mistrust of the process. I’m still trying to figure out “who gains” from the shooting. More to follow on that.

As you look back at the videos, I’m still confounded by what you don’t see. This is an era where you always see a plethora of news and police helicopters during any incident. Hospitals own their own helicopters. I haven’t seen any helicopters in any of the footage. Seems odd.

Today’s post raises some more questions and observations. Read more here.