I do not understand our government's antagonism towards Russia. Diplomacy shouldn’t be about who we’re going to invite over for dinner. It must be about what’s in the best interests of our nation. No one can convince me that what we’ve been doing with Russia is in our best national interests.

The US involvement in Syria clearly is not America’s best moment. We got involved at the behest of our “allies” Saudi Arabia and Israel. Like so many “wars” we fight in, we let the CIA and the US military organize things. We send lots of military hardware to those we support, to include ISIS. CIA groups fought against our military groups. And it all failed.

The Alabama senate election is turning into a microcosm of everything that is wrong in national politics. The deepstate is spending many millions of dollars to protect their agenda. The leader in the polls has collected less than half a million. But if Judge Moore's victory will cause mass retirements of the swamp, I’m all for it. Think about what they are actually saying here. They have to protect the swamp so they want have to face angry voters.(4 comments)