
SPLC 2016 – Celebrating 45 Years of “Whites Only” at the Top!

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The Southern Poverty Law Center is the fraud group that our government and the media depend upon and quote in order to attack things they don’t like.

While there have been some significant events surrounding the company’s bloated Endowment Fund, (to be examined in a future post), and the usual deck chair shuffling on the “Hate Map” fundraising tool, (also to be explored shortly), Watching the Watchdogs has determined that, once again, the Senior Executive Staff of the SPLC is all white, just as it has been every single year since the company opened for business in 1971.

Not a lot of other multi-million dollar companies can claim an unbroken 45-year streak of whites at the heights. Even the NBA and NFL had to give in eventually. Read more here.