If you are inclined to share blog posts, this is probably the most important posts you read all year. Imagine at the height of World War II if you found out that the US was training the Nazi SS? Imagine if you found out that during the Cold War the US was funding the Soviet Army? I’m certain that most would consider this to be treason of the highest order. Well, the US and its allies did that with Al Qaeda and ISIS! This isn’t a conspiracy theory, this is all revealed in a recently released DoD document that only released after an FOIA request forced the DoD to released it. DoD turned down the FOIA request, but they were sued and the courts forced them to release the document. Here’s the “killer lines”: “Western governments deliberately allied with al-Qaeda and other Islamist extremist groups to topple Syrian dictator Bashir al-Assad.” ‘in coordination with the Gulf states and Turkey, the West intentionally sponsored violent Islamist groups to destabilize Assad, despite anticipating that doing so could lead to the emergence of an 'Islamic State' in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).” “the Pentagon foresaw the likely rise of the 'Islamic State' as a direct consequence of the strategy, but described this outcome as a strategic opportunity to "isolate the Syrian regime." This is political strategy conducted by insanity. We claim that ISIS is an enemy and expend US resources to destroy them, yet we created them, supported them and trained them. At best these are some stupid people. At worst, it’s treason. Our war in Syria has created a mere 28 casualties and even one MIA (when have you ever heard about the MIAs in our never-ending wars – two in Iraq and one in Syria)? This is a must read and must share post. I recommend not reading it on a full stomach. It made me want to vomit. Here’s the worst part: This was originally posted in 2015! I’ve been unable to find coverage of this in any of the mainstream media outlets.

America’s biggest “never met a war he didn’t like” senator is John McCain. Many will forget the times he and his buddy Lindsey Graham went to visit ISIS in Syria. Senators “dropping in” to war zones in an attempt to create foreign policy seems wrong at best, but these two have been doing it for a long time. Here’s a story from the “way back” machine to remind folks that McCain not only does this, but even posses for pictures with our enemies. Should be exhibit A at his trial, but he’ll soon be tried by a higher judge….. with no chance of appeal.

During my Army days, I had a pretty cold blooded approach to spending. My thought was that if it took Americans eating cat food in order to protect this great country of ours, so be it. I always added the zinger though. That if this was the case, it was incumbent on the Army to spend every taxpayers dollar as efficiently as possible. In other words to respect the folks that were paying the bills. Such an attitude isn’t common anymore. While most would silently agree with the first part of the argument, there is no concern over the second. Our two current “never ending” wars have turned into a cash cow for the Pentagon and it’s contractors. Billions are spent for equipment that never even makes it into the field. Heck, some of it never leaves the factory. The F35 is just one of the bigger examples. Development started in 1992! By 2914 it was $163 BILLION over budget and seven years behind schedule. A recent report reveals that the Air Force won’t even update as many as 200 F35s to modern, combat capabilities. They are considering scrapping them. The Army has let a contract to upgrade 1000 M1 tanks at the same time that they are changing their operations doctrine to fight in a Cold War scenario across the plains of Fulda. Only $20 million apiece. We’ve been unable to us tanks in our never ending wars, and at 70+ tons, they aren’t easily strategically deployable. Heck, even if they were for the defense of the United states, at that weight, they’d be pretty limited to the interstate highway system. I just have one question. In light of the trillions of dollars wasted on the never-ending wars, and at 70+ tons, they aren’t easily strategically deployable. Heck, even if they were for the defense of the United states, at that weight, they’d be pretty limited to the interstate highway system. I just have one question. In light of the trillions of dollars wasted on the never-ending wars, who has been fired?

Regular readers know that I think the bombastic attitude of the US towards North Korea is foolish at best and dangerous at worst. Pushing for a nuclear WWIII is not a good idea and has no winners. The US concept of diplomacy at gun point has created many problems for us, but certainly makes the deep state a lot of money. Yours and my money. How can any thinking person not think that getting North and South Korea in the same place and talking to them be a bad thing? I know, the “Russia bad” mantra is a common retort to such diplomacy, but if they can ease the tensions, how is that a bad thing? Obviously Putin and the Russians aren’t doing this just for fun. They are looking out for their national interests. A concept that our leaders need to embrace too.

In 1953, at the behest of the British and, more importantly, British Petroleum (BP) the US CIA mounted a coup to topple the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran. The main reason for the coup was because Iran wanted to exert more control over its oil exports and expel foreign corporate representatives. We put the Shah into power. The Iranians eventually toppled the Shah and things have never been the same. The Shah had relied heavily on US support to maintain his power, so logically the hatred for the Shah that led to his demise also fell on the US also. The US embassy hostage-taking by the Iranians led to a logical hatred of Iran by most Americans. Hatred that still exists. Despite economic sanctions, the US really hasn’t been able to topple Iran’s government. Iran remains a significant player in the Middle East. We’re at a point in the world where even historical enemies recognize that talking beats killing. Iraq and Iran are talking. Yet, we want to double down and maintain animosity. After 25 years of diplomacy at the end of a gun, we’ve forgotten that sometimes people will say no and that actions have consequences.

The US involvement is Syria never made any sense from a pure “what is our National Interest” in spending money and risking American lives perspective. It just looked like meddling. Over time, it became obvious that this was an effort on behalf of our allies Saudi Arabia and Israel. Imagine the alarms that should have gone off when Saudi Arabia and Israel agree on something, but obviously they didn’t. Our military supported some groups and our CIA supported others and there were even times when both of these groups actively fought against each other. We’ve bombed civilians, dropped chemical weapons and other war efforts that most folks would find wrong. And again, for what national interest? Well, in spite of our efforts, Syria with the help of Russia has won. Even Saudi Arabia concedes that this was a failed effort. President Trump publicly directed the CIA to stop their efforts in Syria. Yet, our involvement continues. Our forces even took Russian soldiers hostage. This one makes no sense and in light of the fact that Russia’s foreign aid support has been very popular with the Syrian people, just makes us look stupid.…

The Neos on both sides have pushed a policy of US antagonizing everyone for the past 25 years. Imagine the bully from high school who was never made to stop or to grow up. Now he’s the bully of the town. In the discussion over whether the US will certify the Iran deal this month, most Americans don’t realize, or they forget, that the deal was between the US, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the EU and Iran! The Neos would have us believe that this was merely between the US and Iran, but in reality it was an International deal. The other parties to this deal maintain that Iran is complying with the deal. Heck, the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and our State Department say that Iran is complying. The better question at this time is “what’s in the best interests of the United States” with this deal? Short of an International condemnation of some breach on Iran’s part, if we breach this agreement, we will be seen as a country that doesn’t honor its word. Why would any other country trust us again? Why would North Korea believe that we could be negotiated with? Would countries be unreasonable to develop and field more military assets to protect themselves in the light of America not honoring it’s word? Neos are winning in the Swamp.

16 years into the never ending wars, the US Army has decided that it would rather fight a war the old fashioned way in its new doctrine. The days of fighting the hordes on the plains of Fulda are fond memories for the senior folks, although there can’t be many active duty soldiers who served during the Cold War. Huge armored columns, war reserves, Armies, Corps and Divisions are the future and past all at once! More than 2000 M1 tanks sit in the hot California desert boneyard, relics to the past. The M1 tanks were quickly relegated to the ports in Iraq instead of being used. It’s high fuel consumption and 70 ton weight made it virtually impossible to use consistently and effectively. But, now we’re getting new ones! 1000 of them at $20 million a piece! It’s only money of course. This is money spent to appease the military industrial complex, but also feeds the Neo’s dream of starting another cold war.

Foreign policy in this country has sadly fallen to the purview of the defense department, not the state department. This isn’t anything new, and has been this way since the end of the cold war. We conduct foreign policy at the end of a gun, sending drones, rockets and missiles at those who we disagree with. Some of this is a function of the fact that we were the only super power left at the end of the cold war. We could bully countries with ease and there was little that they could do to stop us. We damaged and destroyed a lot of countries, but have little to show for it. The tide shifted when we decided to mess with countries that had powerful allies that weren’t intimidated. Syria is the perfect example, where the Russians came to Syria’s aid. We’re reaping the seeds that have been sown in decades of intimidation and it’s not working. North Korea presents a lot of issues. Ignoring how we got to this situation in North Korea is foolish, but going forward in the face of “lack of cooperation” in our process from China, Russia and South Korea is a disaster waiting to happen. North Korea currently has no capability to hurt America. Sure they would like to, but they can't. China has consistently stated that if North Korea starts a war, they would be on our side, but if we started it, they would be on North Korea’s side. Are the neos that crazy that they would want to start WWIII?

Reading foreign country’s newspapers offer a perspective on what the leaders of the country think is important. I’ve long enjoyed reading the Tehran Times, not because I believe everything they say, but to try and get some perspective on what they think is important. The articles and statements coming out over the Kurd independence movement is interesting. When Iran comes to Iraq’s aid on Kurdish independence, bells and whistles need to be going off in your head. Iraq and Iran are historically not good friends. When no country except Israel has publicly endorsed the Kurdish movement, smart foreign policy folks need to take heed. Does anyone really think that the virtues of supporting the Kurds is worth the problems that Kurdish independence will cause to the region? Kurdish independence might sound like a nice idea. Remember though that there is no “land” for them that they get to just become a country in. The land in question belongs to three countries. Three countries that don’t want an independent Kurdish state. This would be like if we somehow decided to support an independent Mexican state in the US with pieces of Texas. California, New Mexico and Arizona.