
Your Tax Dollars Support Troops of Defense Contractor CEOs

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During my Army days, I had a pretty cold blooded approach to spending. My thought was that if it took Americans eating cat food in order to protect this great country of ours, so be it. I always added the zinger though. That if this was the case, it was incumbent on the Army to spend every taxpayers dollar as efficiently as possible. In other words to respect the folks that were paying the bills.

Such an attitude isn’t common anymore. While most would silently agree with the first part of the argument, there is no concern over the second.

Our two current “never ending” wars have turned into a cash cow for the Pentagon and it’s contractors. Billions are spent for equipment that never even makes it into the field. Heck, some of it never leaves the factory.

The F35 is just one of the bigger examples. Development started in 1992! By 2914 it was $163 BILLION over budget and seven years behind schedule. A recent report reveals that the Air Force won’t even update as many as 200 F35s to modern, combat capabilities. They are considering scrapping them.

The Army has let a contract to upgrade 1000 M1 tanks at the same time that they are changing their operations doctrine to fight in a Cold War scenario across the plains of Fulda. Only $20 million apiece. We’ve been unable to us tanks in our never ending wars, and at 70+ tons, they aren’t easily strategically deployable. Heck, even if they were for the defense of the United states, at that weight, they’d be pretty limited to the interstate highway system.

I just have one question. In light of the trillions of dollars wasted on the never-ending wars, and at 70+ tons, they aren’t easily strategically deployable. Heck, even if they were for the defense of the United states, at that weight, they’d be pretty limited to the interstate highway system.

I just have one question. In light of the trillions of dollars wasted on the never-ending wars, who has been fired? Read more here.