
Thoughts from Below the Rio Bravo: A Preliminary to Going into Hiding

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Folks who don’t read Fred regularly are missing out on some brutally frank and honest commentary, all with a strong hint of humor. His ability to punch you in the gut with reality is refreshing.

To understand many Mexican attitudes toward the United States and immigration, you have to go back to the Mexican-American War of 1846-48, of which most Americans have never heard. The United States attacked Mexico in a war of territorial acquisition, occupied Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona, and drove south to conquer Mexico City. It did it because it could.

The attitude of Americans who have heard of the war is usually, “Get over it.” Mexicans have not gotten over it. People get over things they have done to others more easily than they get over things others have done to them. Tell Americans to “get over” Nine-Eleven, or Jews to get over Germany. Read more here.