
Alabama Senate: Bannon Comes Out Fighting for Roy Moore in Rare Speech

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We don’t live in Alabama, so we don’t get to vote today (we’re working on that move though!). Bannon nails what’s at stake here, and there are some really good lessons for all of us who despise the deep state. The biggest lesson dispels the notion that we can’t overcome the big money that the deep state has. Strange and the deep state spent over $30 million dollars. Judge Moore has spent less than half a million dollars with most of it being $10-$20 contributions from folks like us.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon gave a stark warning to Republican elites and the donor class Monday, saying in front of a packed crowd in Alabama: “Your day of reckoning is coming.”

Bannon spoke a day before Alabamians go to the polls in the Republican Senate primary race between Judge Roy Moore and establishment-backed Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL). He spoke before a packed crowd alongside Brexit mastermind Nigel Farage and Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson.

In his address, he pointed out the enormous media presence in Alabama and said it was because the media knows what is at stake in the race. Read more here.