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Is the Kurdish referendum a bluff or the real deal?

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The US has a demonstrated history of “using” the Kurds and pulling out the rug from under them once we no longer need them. This goes back to Kissinger days. What’s up this time?

The countdown to the Iraqi Kurdish referendum has begun and the battle lines are drawn. Barzani Is pushing full steam ahead, stating that he sees no other option. Baghdad has taken a legal stance, which is of no concern whatsoever for the Kurds despite their having agreed to the Iraqi constitution.

Prime Minister Abadi was the first to mention possible military action, but with the important caveat of there being Kurdish military violence against those in the Kurdish region, especially Kirkuk, opposing the referendum. This would not be the first time that a war was started to protect a minority.

Look what happened with the crazy Neo-fascists in Ukraine, who crowed from the podium of their Parliament, the Rada, that they planned to ethnically cleanse Ukraine of all Russians. That country is now a crippled Western puppet, with the standard of living much worse due to looting by its criminal oligarchy class, one supported by the US. Read more here.